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Fast Way to Get Top-K Elements from Numpy Array | Hippocampus's Garden

Fast Way to Get Top-K Elements from Numpy Array

May 14, 2022  |  1 min read  |  4,901 views

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Retrieving ordered top-k elements from a certain array is a common problem. However, NumPy does not support this operation natively. A naive solution is to carry out full sort and then take the top-k elements like this:

import numpy as np

def topk_by_sort(input, k, axis=None, ascending=True):
    if not ascending:
        input *= -1
    ind = np.argsort(input, axis=axis)
    ind = np.take(ind, np.arange(k), axis=axis)
    if not ascending:
        input *= -1
    val = np.take_along_axis(input, ind, axis=axis) 
    return ind, val

Note that this functions is generalized so that it can handle multi-dimensional arrays and descending order requests.

When the array length is nn, it takes O(nlogn)O(n\log n) time. This isn’t an optimal solution. You can reduce it to O(n)O(n) time (assuming nkn \gg k) by retrieving the kk largest elements (non-sorted) before sorting. This is implemented by np.argpartition() and np.argsort() like this:

def topk_by_partition(input, k, axis=None, ascending=True):
    if not ascending:
        input *= -1
    ind = np.argpartition(input, k, axis=axis)
    ind = np.take(ind, np.arange(k), axis=axis) # k non-sorted indices
    input = np.take_along_axis(input, ind, axis=axis) # k non-sorted values

    # sort within k elements
    ind_part = np.argsort(input, axis=axis)
    ind = np.take_along_axis(ind, ind_part, axis=axis)
    if not ascending:
        input *= -1
    val = np.take_along_axis(input, ind_part, axis=axis) 
    return ind, val

I measured the time complexity of the two functions with k=10k=10 and different nn. As shown in the figures below, the argpartition approach is significantly faster when n>104n \gt 10^4.


2022 05 15 14 33 26


[1] numpy.argpartition — NumPy v1.22 Manual
[2] numpy.take_along_axis — NumPy v1.22 Manual

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Shion Honda

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