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8 posts tagged with "stats"

On Optimal Threshold for Maximizing F1 Score

May 15, 2021  |  9 min read

This post attempts to take a deeper look at F1 score. Do you know that, for calibrated classifiers, the optimal threshold is half the max F1? How come? Here it's explained.


Stats with Python: Multiple Linear Regression

March 31, 2021  |  3 min read

This post steps forward to multiple linear regression. The method of least squares is revisited --with linear algebra.


Stats with Python: Simple Linear Regression

March 22, 2021  |  5 min read

This post summarizes the basics of simple linear regression --method of least squares and coefficient of determination.


Stats with Python: Sample Correlation Coefficient is Biased

February 24, 2021  |  6 min read

Is the sample correlation coefficient an unbiased estimator? No! This post visualizes how large its bias is and shows how to fix it.


Stats with Python: Rank Correlation

February 06, 2021  |  8 min read

The correlation coefficient is a familiar statistic, but there are several variations whose differences should be noted. This post recaps the definitions of these common measures.


Stats with Python: Finite Population Correction

January 29, 2021  |  6 min read

When you sample from a finite population without replacement, beware the finite population correction. The samples are not independent of each other.


Stats with Python: Unbiased Variance

January 17, 2021  |  6 min read

What is unbiased sample variance? Why divide by n-1? With a little programming with Python, it's easier to understand.


A Deeper Look at ROC-AUC

November 15, 2020  |  4 min read

How come ROC-AUC is equal to the probability of a positive sample ranked higher than negative ones? This post provides an answer with a fun example.

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