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8 posts tagged with "cv"

Kaggle Competition Report: Stable Diffusion

June 25, 2023  |  3 min read

How do you invert the text-to-image generation by Stable Diffusion? Let's take a look at the solutions by the winning teams.


Kaggle Competition Report: HuBMAP + HPA

December 17, 2022  |  3 min read

HuBMAP + HPA was a competition on image segmentation with a twist in how to split the dataset. How did winners approach this problem?


Awesome StyleGAN Applications

November 12, 2021  |  10 min read

The ability of StyleGAN to generate super-realistic images has been inspiring many application works. To have some sort of organized view on them, this post covers important papers with a focus on image manipulation.


Creating a Face Swapping Model in 10 Minutes

January 13, 2021  |  3 min read

Let's re-inplement face swapping in 10 minutes! This post shows a naive solution using a pre-trained CNN and OpenCV.


How I Built 🍣This Sushi Does Not Exist🍣

December 19, 2020  |  3 min read

Lightweight GAN has opened the way for generating fine images with ~100 training samples and affordable computing resources. This post presents "This Sushi Does Not Exist" and how I built it with GAE.


Downsizing StyleGAN2 for Training on a Single GPU

March 04, 2020  |  3 min read

Want to generate realistic images with a single GPU? This post demonstrates how to downsize StyleGAN2 with slight performance degradation.

Shion Honda

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