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59 posts tagged with "en"

Kaggle Competition Report: Automated Essay Scoring 2.0

July 07, 2024  |  5 min read

This competition was all about distribution shift. Let's learn how the winners conquered the challenge.


Aligning LLMs without Reinforcement Learning

April 27, 2024  |  3 min read

DPO reduces the effort required to align LLMs. Here is how I created the Reviewer #2 Bot from TinyLlama using DPO.


Elo vs Bradley-Terry: Which is Better for Comparing the Performance of LLMs?

March 17, 2024  |  4 min read

Chatbot Arena updated its LLM ranking method from Elo to Bradley-Terry. What changed? Let's dig into the differences.


Unpacking the Tricky Behavior of React Navigation's navigate Function

March 09, 2024  |  2 min read

Does your React Native app go back to an unexpected screen? Here's how to deal with it.


Year in Review: Deep Learning Papers in 2023

January 27, 2024  |  12 min read

Let's look back at the significant progress made in deep learning in 2023! Here are my 10 favorite papers.


Simulating Real-Time Chats using Flask's Server-Sent Events

November 06, 2023  |  2 min read

Discover the power of Flask's Server-Sent Events for better developer's experience of chatbots.


Kaggle Competition Report: Stable Diffusion

June 25, 2023  |  3 min read

How do you invert the text-to-image generation by Stable Diffusion? Let's take a look at the solutions by the winning teams.


Year in Review: Deep Learning in 2022

January 17, 2023  |  6 min read

Uncover the top deep learning advancements of 2022. A year-in-review of key research papers and applications.


Kaggle Competition Report: HuBMAP + HPA

December 17, 2022  |  3 min read

HuBMAP + HPA was a competition on image segmentation with a twist in how to split the dataset. How did winners approach this problem?


How to Increase Shared Memory in Vertex AI Workbench

October 01, 2022  |  2 min read

If you want more shm in Workbench, specify shm size in the "Metadata" pane when creating a notebook.


Meet Pandas: Converting DataFrame to CSR Matrix

March 08, 2022  |  2 min read

This post shows how to convert a DataFrame of user-item interactions to a compressed sparse row (CSR) matrix, the most common format for sparse matrices.


A Look Back at Deep Learning in 2021 (Application)

January 03, 2022  |  4 min read

Let's look back at the updates in deep learning in 2021! This post covers four application projects worth checking out


A Look Back at Deep Learning in 2021 (Research)

January 03, 2022  |  11 min read

Let's look back at the updates in deep learning in 2021! This post covers eight research papers worth checking out.


Awesome StyleGAN Applications

November 12, 2021  |  10 min read

The ability of StyleGAN to generate super-realistic images has been inspiring many application works. To have some sort of organized view on them, this post covers important papers with a focus on image manipulation.


How to Setup Jupyter in Pipenv / Poetry

August 11, 2021  |  2 min read

It's so easy for me to forget how to setup Jupyter in a newly created Poetry / Pipenv environment. So, here it is.


How to Kaggle with Colab Pro & Google Drive

May 31, 2021  |  4 min read

This post shows you how to set up a cheap and comfortable computing environment for Kaggle using Colab Pro and Google Drive. Happy Kaggling!


On Optimal Threshold for Maximizing F1 Score

May 15, 2021  |  9 min read

This post attempts to take a deeper look at F1 score. Do you know that, for calibrated classifiers, the optimal threshold is half the max F1? How come? Here it's explained.


Stats with Python: Multiple Linear Regression

March 31, 2021  |  3 min read

This post steps forward to multiple linear regression. The method of least squares is revisited --with linear algebra.


Stats with Python: Simple Linear Regression

March 22, 2021  |  5 min read

This post summarizes the basics of simple linear regression --method of least squares and coefficient of determination.


Stats with Python: Sample Correlation Coefficient is Biased

February 24, 2021  |  6 min read

Is the sample correlation coefficient an unbiased estimator? No! This post visualizes how large its bias is and shows how to fix it.


Ready Steady GO: Dispatcher-Worker with errgroup

February 14, 2021  |  2 min read

A golang implementation of dispatcher-worker pattern with errgroup. It immediately cancels the other jobs when an error occurs in any goroutine.


Stats with Python: Rank Correlation

February 06, 2021  |  8 min read

The correlation coefficient is a familiar statistic, but there are several variations whose differences should be noted. This post recaps the definitions of these common measures.


Stats with Python: Finite Population Correction

January 29, 2021  |  6 min read

When you sample from a finite population without replacement, beware the finite population correction. The samples are not independent of each other.


Stats with Python: Unbiased Variance

January 17, 2021  |  6 min read

What is unbiased sample variance? Why divide by n-1? With a little programming with Python, it's easier to understand.


Creating a Face Swapping Model in 10 Minutes

January 13, 2021  |  3 min read

Let's re-inplement face swapping in 10 minutes! This post shows a naive solution using a pre-trained CNN and OpenCV.


NeurIPS 2020 Favorite Papers

January 10, 2021  |  6 min read

NeurIPS 2020 virtual conference was full of exciting presentations! Here I list some notable ones with brief introductions.


Best Machine Learning Papers of 2020

January 02, 2021  |  12 min read

Let's look back on the machine learning papers published in 2020! This post covers 10 representative papers that I found interesting and worth reading.


How I Built 🍣This Sushi Does Not Exist🍣

December 19, 2020  |  3 min read

Lightweight GAN has opened the way for generating fine images with ~100 training samples and affordable computing resources. This post presents "This Sushi Does Not Exist" and how I built it with GAE.


Custom Objective for LightGBM

November 22, 2020  |  6 min read

If you want to use a custom loss function with a modern GBDT model, you'll need the first- and second-order derivatives. This post shows how to implement them, using LightGBM as an example


A Deeper Look at ROC-AUC

November 15, 2020  |  4 min read

How come ROC-AUC is equal to the probability of a positive sample ranked higher than negative ones? This post provides an answer with a fun example.


Transformers Now: A Survey of Recent Advances

November 02, 2020  |  10 min read

Transformer has undergone various application studies, model enhancements, etc. This post aims to provide an overview of these studies.


Meet Pandas: Group-wise Sampling

October 13, 2020  |  2 min read

This post introduces how to sample groups from a dataset, which is helpful when you want to avoid data leakage.


Different Measures of Feature Importance Behave Differently

September 05, 2020  |  7 min read

This post compares the behaviors of different feature importance measures in tricky situations.


Meet Pandas: Query Dataframe

August 25, 2020  |  2 min read

This post introduces the Pandas method of `query`, which allows us to query dataframes in an SQL-like manner.


Ready Steady GO: Call Function Periodically With Timeout

August 16, 2020  |  1 min read

This is a golang sample code that calls some function periodically for a specified amount of time.


Learning to Play Slime Volleyball with PFRL

August 08, 2020  |  5 min read

This post introduces PFRL, a new reinforcement learning library, and uses it to learn to play the Slime Volleyball game on Colaboratory.


From Direct Method to Doubly Robust

July 29, 2020  |  3 min read

Causal inference is becoming a hot topic in ML community. This post formulates one of its important concepts called doubly robust estimator with simple notations.


Count Page Views & Show Popular Posts in Gatsby Blog

June 21, 2020  |  5 min read

This post introduces how to count page views and show popular posts in the sidebar of Gatsby Blog. Google Analytics saves you the trouble of preparing databases and APIs.


Meet Pandas: Grouping and Boxplot

June 14, 2020  |  2 min read

This post summarizes how to group data by some variable and draw boxplots on it using Pandas and Seaborn.


Reproducing Deep Double Descent

June 13, 2020  |  7 min read

Double descent is one of the mysteries of modern machine learning. I reproduced the main results of the recent paper by Nakkiran et al. and posed some questions that occurred to me.


BERT That Works on Browser

May 22, 2020  |  4 min read

This post explains how MobileBERT succeeded in reducing both model size and inference time and introduce its implementation in TensorFlow.js that works on web browsers.


Tiny Tips for Gatsby Incremental Builds on Netlify

May 16, 2020  |  2 min read

Stuck in an error when enabling Gatsby incremental builds on Netlify? This post might help it.


Meet Pandas: loc, iloc, at & iat

April 27, 2020  |  2 min read

Have you ever confused Pandas methods `loc`, `at`, and `iloc` with each other? It's no more confusing when you have this table in mind.


Recent Advances in Representation Learning

April 20, 2020  |  4 min read

"Representation" is a way AIs understand the world. This post is a short introduction to the representation learning in the "deep learning era."


PageRank Explained: Theory, Algorithm, and Some Experiments

March 12, 2020  |  9 min read

How does Google's PageRank work? Its theory and algorithm are explained, followed by numerical experiments.


Downsizing StyleGAN2 for Training on a Single GPU

March 04, 2020  |  3 min read

Want to generate realistic images with a single GPU? This post demonstrates how to downsize StyleGAN2 with slight performance degradation.


Evaluating Academic Papers by PageRank

February 28, 2020  |  3 min read

Citation counts shouldn't be the only measurement of the impact of academic papers. I applied Google's PageRank to evaluating academic papers's importance.

Shion Honda

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