Learning to Play Slime Volleyball with PFRL
August 08, 2020 | 5 min readThis post introduces PFRL, a new reinforcement learning library, and uses it to learn to play the Slime Volleyball game on Colaboratory.
Under the sea, in the hippocampus's garden...
This post introduces PFRL, a new reinforcement learning library, and uses it to learn to play the Slime Volleyball game on Colaboratory.
Causal inference is becoming a hot topic in ML community. This post formulates one of its important concepts called doubly robust estimator with simple notations.
This post introduces how to count page views and show popular posts in the sidebar of Gatsby Blog. Google Analytics saves you the trouble of preparing databases and APIs.
This post summarizes how to group data by some variable and draw boxplots on it using Pandas and Seaborn.
Double descent is one of the mysteries of modern machine learning. I reproduced the main results of the recent paper by Nakkiran et al. and posed some questions that occurred to me.